Thursday, 1 February 2007

7 days

Now things start to get serious...

It's now only a week until I leave for India to start the first phase of fieldwork for my PhD. I struggle to find words that can describe how this makes me feel. Elated at finally getting to do what I set out to almost seven years ago; nervous that I won't be able to find enough people willing to talk about their spirituality and their journeys; daunted by the reputation of India as both a life-changeing experience and a mind-fucking one for Western travellers; heartbroken that I have to leave Abi for six weeks.

That last one is the toughest. Physically painful.

I think I'm as prepared as I need to be. Lot's of web research on where fellow travellers go in India to check out things spiritual. Given the brevity of my journey I'm only going to visit Varanasi, Rishikesh, and Dharamsala (in addition to Delhi).

Now a wanky attempt at symbolic imagery:

A guidebook so I can find my way, my glasses so I can see, a notebook to record my thoughts, and a strategically artful lightbulb. I hope I have lots of those.


Anonymous said...

best of luck buddy! what an amazing opportunity and life experience. will miss you but am very much looking forward to hearing everything once you return to us all!!! BON VOYAGE MISTER STORMIN'!

Anonymous said...

Life has a stange way of presenting what ever it is you have to learn/know/see in a way that confronts and yet if you can get past that - in a way that liberates and informs. There will be no lack of people to talk to I am sure. When the pupil is ready the teacher/s arrive/s.



Anonymous said...

Will be following you Ally Love grammie

Alex Norman said...

Thanks guys

Anonymous said...

Great to get the news and the pictures. Hope that is your dose of DB and you can enjoy the rest of the time. Why is it that after years and now some wealth Bollywood etc India cant manage infrastructure...


Anonymous said...

having trouble with messages wrote one but cannot see it? I try again:
Find a temple and some buddhists who will feed you and look after you till you get on your feet and your belly is in order to move on. Love Gram

Anonymous said...

Great descriptions Ali and I share your wonder at the peace of religious space I saw it and felt in Turkey and in Rome!!! and to some extent in any setting.

I also found the morning and evening call to prayer a very reassuring part of the rythm of the day.
