Monday, 18 February 2008

Messing Around, PhotoShelter, and Post-Howard Australia

Sorry for the delays on getting the last of my Camino posts up. Been pretty busy since returning home. Also, I'm playing with layouts, widgets, colours, etc. If you see a template you don't like then let me know.

On a different note, I'm proud to point all my lovely readers in the direction of my PhotoShelter Collection widget to the right. PhotoShelter are an online stock photography agency with whom I have some pictures for sale. I'm slowly going through my Camino and European photos and uploading the better ones. Go ahead and click on the window (you'll need to allow popups). It will take you to my PhotoShelter Collection mini-site, where you can buy my images. From there you can also check out some of the awesome work by photographers from all around the world that Photoshelter are managing.

In other news: I have returned home to a post-Howard Australia. After so many years of the absurd micro-managing style of government that Howard's government practiced I'm looking forward to seeing a more withdrawn style from Rudd's tenure (fingers crossed), especially in health and higher education. But most importantly Rudd has done two things that, after only four months in government, have cemented his place in history: the Australian government has now signed Kyoto, and just recently made a formal apology in parliament to indigenous Australians for the 'stolen generation' tragedy. About time, too.

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